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PC/OS 2009发布

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-11-21  distrowatch    会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 

PC/OS是一份用户用好的基于Xubuntu的桌面和服务器Linux发行。它的一些最有趣特性包括即刻可用的对流行多媒体格式的支持,Flash和Java,增加了一些软件包以用于多媒体创作、内容制作和软件开发,以及像BeOS的桌面主题。PC/OS提供多种形式,包括OpenWorkstation CD/DVD、OpenServer和OpenWorkstation Appliance。

Roberto Dohnert has announced the release of PC/OS 2009, a user-friendly desktop distribution based on Xubuntu: "Today we are happy to announce the newest release of PC/OS. The new release follows PC/OS OpenCore 1.0. PC/OS OpenDesktop 2009 and PC/OS OpenWorkstation 2009 have been fully tested and are ready for broad consumer adoption. This release updates the PC/OS 2008 line of products. Some of the changes include a newly laid-out user interface and updated packages, and all important security updates applied. Some of the updated packages are as follows: Firefox 3.0, AbiWord 2.6.4, GIMP 2.6, Pidgin 2.5, Skype 2.0, VLC 0.9.5, OpenOffice.org 3.0, Eclipse, Qt Designer, Songbird 0.7, Wammu, Mobile Phone Manager, TrueCrypt." Here is the brief release announcement. Download PC/OS 2009 OpenWorkstation (os2009ow) and OpenDesktop (od2009) from here: pc-os2009ow.iso (1,061MB, MD5), pc-os-od2009.iso (690MB, MD5).

上一篇:McNealy访华力挺开源:Sun永不会让用户黑屏   下一篇:Sun麦克尼利暗讽IBM微软 倡导IT开源与开放

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·Yellow Dog Linux 6.1发布
·Ubuntu Muslim Edition 8.10发布
·UCHome 1.5将在一周后发布最终测试版
·Mandriva One 2009
·Hiweed Linux 2.0 RC 3 发布
·TrueBSD 2.0 RC2发布
·BlankOn Linux 4.0发布
·Xfce 4.6 Beta 2 (Hopper) 发布
·Ubuntu Tweak 0.4.2正式发布!
·ATI/AMD Catalyst 8.11 For Linux显卡
·SMPlayer 发布
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