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Yellow Dog Linux 6.1发布

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-11-20  distrowatch    会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 

Terra Soft Solutions公司座落在美国科罗拉多州Loveland市洛矶山脉的丘陵地带,它是一家私人公司,其主要的市场定位是要提升PowerPC Linux的性能,并为开放源码的软件开发哲学提供支持。既容易安装,使用起来又觉得亲切,Yellow Dog Linux是一套为PowerPC提供 Linux之精华的操作系统。Yellow Dog Linux包含了广泛的应用软件和实用工具、优美的图形环境、服务器软件,以及高手们钟爱的编程工具。特色软件包括一份图形化安装程序、KDE、可替代微软Office的OpenOffice.org、Mac-On-Linux、一套独具特色的控制面板,以及多种web浏览器。从5.0版本开始,该公司还为索尼PlayStation 3提供一份包含Enlightenment桌面的特别版。

Fixstars, a company that has recently acquired Terra Soft Solutions, has announced the release of Yellow Dog Linux 6.1: "Fixstars today released Yellow Dog Linux (YDL) 6.1 for Apple G4/G5, Sony PlayStation 3, PowerStation, and IBM Power Systems. Built upon the CentOS foundation, a derivative of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, YDL 6.1 offers several end-user and development tool improvements. For end users, YDL 6.1 offers an updated Firefox and OpenOffice.org, a vastly improved graphical wireless configuration tool, and the introduction of ps3vram functionality which enables use of PS3 video RAM for temporary storage or swap. For developers, 6.1 offers the latest stable kernel, an updated GCC, the open portion of the IBM Cell SDK v3.1, and through a working relationship with the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, YDL 6.1 now ships with the new Cell Superscalar." Read the complete press release for more information. Yellow Dog Linux 6.1 is available for download from YDL.net enhanced accounts (US$69.95).

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