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Ubuntu Muslim Edition 8.10发布

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-11-19  distrowatch    会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 

Mehdi Magnon has announced the release of Ubuntu Muslim Edition 8.10, an Ubuntu-based distribution incorporating a variety of Islamic software, such as prayer times, a Quran study tool and a web content filtering utility: "The Ubuntu Muslim Edition team is proud to announce the release of Ubuntu ME 8.10. This release is only available as an installable DVD. Highlights: WebStrict (parental control tool) enabled by default; Zekr 0.7.1 (Quran study tool) installed and configured to play Quran recitations; Minbar and Firefox 'Pray Times' add-on installed; Monajat (display Islamic prayers); Thwab (encyclopedia); Ubuntu ME artwork: usplash, login screen, Islamic wallpapers and theme. Tons of useful softwares have been added on the DVD: multimedia libraries for reading DVDs, codecs, Flash player, VLC; full suite of software for children ; Arabic support." Read the complete release announcement for further details. Download (MD5) the live DVD image via BitTorrent: ubuntuME-8.10-desktop-i386.iso (2,849MB).

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·SMPlayer 发布
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