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TrueBSD 2.0 RC2发布

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-11-17  distrowatch    会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 


Alexey Sokolov has announced the availability of the second release candidate for TrueBSD 2.0, a general-purpose FreeBSD-based live DVD. What's new? "Updated system environment and kernel to FreeBSD 7.1-PRERELEASE; fixed errors in system installer which were caused by incorrect detection of storage drives; created an official Subversion repository; created a non-official port of x11-wm/ion-3; created an overlay of the ports tree; changed the file system hierarchy; created skel files which are used for each new user; created a ports tree with patched versions of software; created a kernel module snd_hda_hack.ko for additional Intel audio card support; new prompt for the zsh shell; removed all network and audio drivers from the kernel and moved them into separate kernel modules; created nice highlighting for system console and kernel messages; updated all software." Read the rest of the release notes for more details. Download (MD5): truebsd-2.0rc2_i386.iso (1,978MB).

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·Ubuntu Ultimate Edition 2.0终极版发
·Xfce 4.6 Beta 2 (Hopper) 发布
·Ubuntu Tweak 0.4.2正式发布!
·ATI/AMD Catalyst 8.11 For Linux显卡
·SMPlayer 发布
·非线编辑软件 Kdenlive 0.7 for KDE 4
·Clonezilla Live 1.2.1-17发布
·腾讯发布QQ for Linux 1.0 Preview 3版
·openSUSE 11.1 beta 5 放出
·代号为“Felicia”Linux Mint 6 RC1版
·Ubuntu Ultimate Edition 2.0 - Ubunt
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