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发行版:Foresight Linux 2.0发布

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-03-13  来源:    会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 

Foresight Linux是一份基于rPath Linux及其Conary包管理的发行,它体现了GNOME项目最新最好的技术。一些创新的内容被包含进来,诸如Beagle、Zeroconf、 Mono及最新的hal。它还包括了一些漂亮的、清爽的缺省主题和美工。
Ken VanDine has announced the final release of Foresight Linux 2.0, a rPath-based distribution featuring the very latest GNOME 2.22: "Foresight Linux 2.0 has been released. New in version 2.0: a new tar-based installer that should install in less than 10 minutes, including formatting a 200 GB hard drive; PackageKit to help users update their system and add and remove software; Syslinux, a new bootloader to replace GRUB; GNOME-Do to quickly search for many items present in a GNOME desktop environment (applications, Evolution contacts, Firefox bookmarks, files, artists and albums in Rhythmbox, Pidgin buddies, etc.) and perform commonly used actions on those items. Users should also find it much easier to use binary video card drivers from NVIDIA and ATI than in Foresight 1.x. Transmission is also included as the default Bittorrent application." Read the rest of the release announcement for further details. Download (SHA1): foresight-2.0-x86-dvd1.iso (1,164MB), foresight-2.0-x86_64-dvd1.iso (1,238MB).


上一篇:通过Grub启动硬盘上的Linux ISO安装文件   下一篇:IE8决心力挽狂澜,Firefox能否笑到最后?

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·轻量级的web服务器:lighttpd 1.4.19发布
·Novell 发布 MonoDevelop 1.0 和 Mono 2.0 beta
·开源维基:MediaWiki 1.12.0rc1 发布
·Wine 1.0发布日期已定!
·发行版发布:PC-BSD 1.5
·GNOME 2.22正式发布!
·发行版:Frugalware Linux 0.8发布
·开发版:Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.2 Beta发布
·GCC 4.3.0已经发布
·发行版:Parsix GNU/Linux 1.0r1发布
·MonoDevelop 1.0正式发布!
·Tomboy 发布 0.10.0 稳定版
·日程表管理程序:Mozilla Sunbird 0.8 RC1发布
·linux下的设计软件 Inkscape 0.4.6 发布
·Skype 2.0 for Linux 正式发布
·发行版:Clonezilla Live 1.0.9-19发布
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·Conky 1.5.0 发布
·Wine 0.9.58 发布
·Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron Beta发布
·Ubuntu优化大师:Ubuntu Tweak 0.2.4发
·开发版:PUD GNU/Linux发布
·开源的PHP论坛:SMF 2.0 Beta 3发布
·Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Beta 发布
·Miro 1.2 发布
·SSH协议文件传输软件WinSCP 4.1 Beta发
·压缩软件:7-Zip 4.58 Alpha 5发布
·U盘上的发行版:Slax 6.0.3发布
·Firefox3 beta5将于3月27日发布
·linux下的设计软件 Inkscape 0.4.6 发
·Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron Beta发布
·Wine 1.0发布日期已定!
·GCC 4.3.0已经发布
·Ubuntu优化大师:Ubuntu Tweak 0.2.4发
·GNOME 2.22正式发布!
·开发版:Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.2
·U盘上的发行版:Slax 6.0.3发布
·Skype 2.0 面向 Linux 版已经发布了
·MonoDevelop 1.0正式发布!
·数据库:PostgreSQL 8.3.1, 8.2.7发布
·BSD发行版:MirOS BSD #10发布
·开发版:Dreamlinux 3.0 RC3发布
·Wine 0.9.58 发布
·Tomboy 发布 0.10.0 稳定版