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发行版:Clonezilla Live 1.0.9-19发布

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-03-17  来源:    会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 

Clonezilla Live是基于Debian的自启动运行光盘,它包含了一份类似Norton Ghost那样的分区/硬盘克隆软件Clonezilla。它保存并恢复硬盘上那些使用了的数据块。使用Clonezilla,用户可以在大约10分钟内将5 GB的系统克隆到40份客户机上。
Clonezilla Live is a Debian-based live CD containing Clonezilla, a partition and disk cloning software similar to Norton Ghost. An updated version was released today: "Clonezilla Live 1.0.9-19 (stable) released. This release is a bug-fixed one with some minor updates: fixed - Memtest86, FreeDOS and Etherboot were not listed in syslinux boot; fixed - CCISS RAID device restoration was broken; fixed - when 'ocs-iso -s' or 'ocs-live-dev -c -s' was run, Etherboot and FreeDOS images were not copied; syslinux related files are now in /syslinux; added sdparm, zip and unzip; makeboot.exe is replaced by makeboot.sh so that USB flash drive will boot successfully with kernel under /casper; Partclone 0.0.6 is used now so clone.fat is available; more descriptions were added to the boot menu; an option for VGA mode 640x480 was added." Read the full release announcement for more details. Download: clonezilla-live-1.0.9-19.iso (90.6MB).

上一篇:Gphone对战iPhone开源进军移动市场   下一篇:开发版:Dreamlinux 3.0 RC3发布

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·开发版:Dreamlinux 3.0 RC3发布
·开发版:Granular Linux 1.0 Preview发布
·开发版:Sabayon Linux 3.5 Beta 2发布
·Wine 1.0 发布时间最终确定
·Skype 2.0 for Linux 正式发布
·GNOME Do 发布
·发行版发布:MirOS BSD #10
·linux下的设计软件 Inkscape 0.4.6 发布
·BSD发行版:MirOS BSD #10发布
·Skype 2.0 面向 Linux 版已经发布了
·数据库:PostgreSQL 8.3.1, 8.2.7发布
·WordPress 2.5 RC1 中文版发布
·Firefox3 beta5将于3月27日发布
·U盘上的发行版:Slax 6.0.3发布
·压缩软件:7-Zip 4.58 Alpha 5发布
·SSH协议文件传输软件WinSCP 4.1 Beta发布
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·Conky 1.5.0 发布
·Wine 0.9.58 发布
·Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron Beta发布
·Ubuntu优化大师:Ubuntu Tweak 0.2.4发
·开发版:PUD GNU/Linux发布
·开源的PHP论坛:SMF 2.0 Beta 3发布
·Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Beta 发布
·Miro 1.2 发布
·SSH协议文件传输软件WinSCP 4.1 Beta发
·压缩软件:7-Zip 4.58 Alpha 5发布
·U盘上的发行版:Slax 6.0.3发布
·Firefox3 beta5将于3月27日发布
·linux下的设计软件 Inkscape 0.4.6 发
·Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron Beta发布
·Ubuntu优化大师:Ubuntu Tweak 0.2.4发
·U盘上的发行版:Slax 6.0.3发布
·开发版:Dreamlinux 3.0 RC3发布
·数据库:PostgreSQL 8.3.1, 8.2.7发布
·开发版:Sabayon Linux 3.5 Beta 2发布
·Wine 0.9.58 发布
·BSD发行版:MirOS BSD #10发布
·Skype 2.0 面向 Linux 版已经发布了
·Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Beta 发布
·Wine 1.0 发布时间最终确定
·Miro 1.2 发布
·开发版:PUD GNU/Linux发布
·压缩软件:7-Zip 4.58 Alpha 5发布