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开发版:PUD GNU/Linux发布

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-03-21  来源:    会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 

PUD(Penk's Underbred Distro)GNU/Linux是台湾人开发的迷你型自启动运行和安装光盘,它基于Ubuntu并带有很多来自LAMPPIX及Damn Small Linux项目的特性,它支持繁体中文(zh_TW)。它的主要目标是提供一份完整的Linux桌面并包含许多流行的应用程序和工具,同时保持小容量并易于操作。
A new testing version of PUD GNU/Linux, an Ubuntu-based mini distribution with Xfce, has been released: "This is a development version of PUD, but it contains many experimental and new features, including a new installer, new package selection system, enhanced live CD build kit, kernel patches, boot-time speed-up optimisations, and better laptop and mobile device support. This system is based on Ubuntu 8.04 so it may contain bugs. New features: PUD comes with an installer now, as a result, OpenOffice.org and printer support are built in; we patched the kernel with Squashfs LZMA compression and Aufs file system as usual, and also added a patch called OpenLog to help trace the boot process; we introduced two boot-time optimisation methods here - sorted layout and boot gear; PUD will now auto-detect whether you're using a mobile device." Read the complete release announcement for more information. Download: pud- (257MB, MD5).

上一篇:SUSE Linux Enterprise 11特色揭秘   下一篇:轻松搞定Ubuntu 7.10下万能Totem影音播放器

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·开源的PHP论坛:SMF 2.0 Beta 3发布
·Ubuntu优化大师:Ubuntu Tweak 0.2.4发布
·Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Beta 发布
·Miro 1.2 发布
·SSH协议文件传输软件WinSCP 4.1 Beta发布
·压缩软件:7-Zip 4.58 Alpha 5发布
·Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron Beta发布
·Wine 0.9.58 发布
·Conky 1.5.0 发布
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·Conky 1.5.0 发布
·Wine 0.9.58 发布
·Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron Beta发布
·Ubuntu优化大师:Ubuntu Tweak 0.2.4发
·开源的PHP论坛:SMF 2.0 Beta 3发布
·Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Beta 发布
·Miro 1.2 发布
·SSH协议文件传输软件WinSCP 4.1 Beta发
·压缩软件:7-Zip 4.58 Alpha 5发布
·Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron Beta发布
·Ubuntu优化大师:Ubuntu Tweak 0.2.4发
·Wine 0.9.58 发布
·Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Beta 发布
·压缩软件:7-Zip 4.58 Alpha 5发布
·Miro 1.2 发布
·Conky 1.5.0 发布
·SSH协议文件传输软件WinSCP 4.1 Beta发
·开源的PHP论坛:SMF 2.0 Beta 3发布