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开源的PHP论坛:SMF 2.0 Beta 3发布

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-03-21  来源:    会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 

SMF 为加拿大 Simple Machines Forum 的简称。简练,效率,强大,免费。 SMF 就是上面的集合体。
SMF 是下一代论坛和充满了前景的软件,同时又只消耗很少的服务器资源。当然,这都是免费的。基本特性为:全面的风格,超快数据库,安全的附件机制,自动化组件安装。

The download packages are the same as for 1.1 - simply choose the install or upgrade package depending on your requirements. If upgrading please, please remember to backup first. Please do not use this topic for support questions - use the dedicated 2.0 Support Board. Guides for installing and upgrading can be found on the Online Manual. Note that downgrading is not possible.

On a quick note to mod and theme authors, we are currently working through the templates to move towards more semantic HTML layout. Unfortunately we didn't complete this in time for this beta, but this will make the next release, so please bear this future change in mind when looking at updating your mods and themes.

Finally, we thank you for your patience and hope you enjoy using this software as much as we have enjoyed making it.


Thank you,

Simple Machines

上一篇:Sun推出最新服务器搭配Ubuntu Linux   下一篇:微软格式升级战略分析及我们的应对策略

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·Conky 1.5.0 发布
·Wine 0.9.58 发布
·Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron Beta发布
·Ubuntu优化大师:Ubuntu Tweak 0.2.4发
·开发版:PUD GNU/Linux发布
·Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Beta 发布
·Miro 1.2 发布
·SSH协议文件传输软件WinSCP 4.1 Beta发
·压缩软件:7-Zip 4.58 Alpha 5发布
·Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron Beta发布
·Ubuntu优化大师:Ubuntu Tweak 0.2.4发
·Wine 0.9.58 发布
·Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Beta 发布
·压缩软件:7-Zip 4.58 Alpha 5发布
·Miro 1.2 发布
·Conky 1.5.0 发布
·SSH协议文件传输软件WinSCP 4.1 Beta发
·开发版:PUD GNU/Linux发布