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Kernel command using Linux system calls

OKLinux www.oklinux.cn 2007-03-28 来源:IBM developerWorks Worldwide 会员收藏 游客收藏

. You can also test whether a user-space pointer is valid through a call to access_ok. These functions are defined in linux/include/asm/uaccess.h.

You use the access_ok macro to validate a user-space pointer for a given operation. This function takes the type of access (VERIFY_READ or VERIFY_WRITE), the pointer to the user-space memory block, and the size of the block (in bytes). The function returns zero on success:

int access_ok( type, address, size );

Moving simple types between the kernel and user-space (such as ints or longs) is accomplished easily with get_user and put_user. These macros each take a value and a pointer to a variable. The get_user function moves the value that the user-space address specifies (ptr) into the kernel variable specified (var). The put_user function moves the value that the kernel variable (var) specifies into the user-space address (ptr). The functions return zero on success:

int get_user( var, ptr );
int put_user( var, ptr );

To move larger objects, such as structures or arrays, you can use the copy_from_user and copy_to_user functions. These functions move an entire block of data between user-space and the kernel. The copy_from_user function moves a block of data from user-space into kernel-space, and copy_to_user moves a block of data from the kernel into user-space:

unsigned long copy_from_user( void *to, const void __user *from, unsigned long n );
unsigned long copy_to_user( void *to, const void __user *from, unsigned long n );

Finally, you can copy a NULL-terminated string from user-space to the kernel by using the strncpy_from_user function. Before calling this function, you can get the size of the user-space string with a call to the strlen_user macro:

long strncpy_from_user( char *dst, const char __user *src, long count );
strlen_user( str );

These functions provide the basics for memory movement between the kernel and user-space. Some additional functions exist (such as those that reduce the amount of checking performed). You can find these functions in uaccess.h.

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Using the system call

Now that kernel is updated with a few new system calls, let's look at what's necessary to use them from a user-space application. There are two ways that you can use new kernel system calls. The first is a convenience method (not something that you'd probably want to do in production code), and the second is the traditional method that requires a bit more work.

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