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Gibraltar Firewall 2.6发布

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-07-18  lupa   会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 

Gibraltar是一份基于Debian GNU/Linux的防火墙套件,它可以直接从光盘启动,所以硬盘安装不是必需的。系统配置数据既可以存放在硬盘上,也可以存放在软盘或USB存储设备上。Gibraltar专门面向中小型企业设计,它作为一份最新的防火墙套件能满足各种需求。当病毒、蠕虫、特洛伊木马及网络攻击者的活动迅速增长时, Gibraltar为你的网络连接提供广泛的保护。Gibraltar能保护所有类型的网络连接,无论你是在使用静态线缆、DSL或拨号连接, Gibraltar都确保你的网络连接是安全的。除了商业发布版本,Gibraltar也有可免费获得的发行。

Rene Mayrhofer announced the release of Gibraltar Firewall 2.6, a Debian-based firewall distribution: "We are pleased to announce Gibraltar release 2.6. It will be the last version based on kernel 2.4, the next Gibraltar release 3.0 will use kernel 2.6. Major new features in this release include official support for "Snort" as intrusion detection system and full integration of the Puresight Enterprise variant for advanced user-based authorization and reporting. Additionally, this release: now allows SSL Explorer (TM) plugins to be installed; substantially improves traffic shaping performance; supports transparent virus scanning for HTTP, POP3, and FTP even without a harddisk; and includes the beginning of full WLAN access point functionality. At this time, Atheros-based cards are supported and can be configured via the web interface. Future releases will expand on this to e.g. include full 802.1x support." Read the full release announcement and changelog. Download: gibraltar-2.6.iso.bz2 (260MB, SHA1).


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