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发行版:eAR OS 1.08发布

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-05-21  来源:    会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 

eAR OS is an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution featuring the advanced, yet simple-to-operate eAR Media Centre. Tune in to TV programs, rip CDs to hard disk in lossless FLAC quality, watch digital TV and DVDs, listen to Internet radio, view photos, or listen to music - all from within an intuitive user interface. The distribution is available in two flavours - either as a freely downloadable "Free" edition, or as a commercial "Enterprise" edition with extra features and performance enhancements.
Acoustic Reality has announced the release of eAR OS 1.08, an Ubuntu-based, multimedia-oriented distribution featuring an advanced media centre: "eAR OS Free edition 1.08 has been released for free download. New features have been added, for example you may now record your LPs to the hard disk in lossless FLAC format. Also the dockbar has been recompiled to be visible on all workspaces and users with much RAM may enable the 3D desktop effects. eAR OS Free Edition Version 1.08 has build-in recovery of the eAR Media Center It also comes with semi-automatic installation of proprietary hardware drivers; compared to a previous release, the live CD now supports more than 20 extra sound cards that work out-of-the-box. eAR OS 1.08 comes with Linux Real-Time kernel 2.6.24 for audiophile sound quality." Visit the distribution's news page to read the full release announcement. Download: earos_v1_08c.iso (672MB, MD5).

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·FileZilla 3.0.10 - Final - 开源的FTP客户端
·发行版:PelicanHPC 1.5.1发布
·发行版:Damn Small Linux 4.4 RC1发布
·开源编译器:GCC 4.2.4发布
·Linux发行版:Ubuntu Muslim Edition 8.04已经发布下
·发行版:rPath Linux 2.0发布
·Phoronix Test Suite 0.7.0 发布
·openSUSE 11.0 Beta 3 发布 修正的Bug超过700个
·SMPlayer 0.6.0 Final 发布
·尝鲜Firefox 3.0 RC1候选版
·修正大量Bug,OpenSUSE 11.0 Beta3 发布
·发行版:MEPIS antiX 7.2发布
·开发版:Litrix Linux 8.5 RC1发布
密码: 匿名评论

·FileZilla 3.0.10 - Final - 开源的FTP
·发行版:PelicanHPC 1.5.1发布
·发行版:Damn Small Linux 4.4 RC1发布
·开源编译器:GCC 4.2.4发布
·Linux发行版:Ubuntu Muslim Edition 8
·发行版:rPath Linux 2.0发布
·Phoronix Test Suite 0.7.0 发布
·openSUSE 11.0 Beta 3 发布 修正的Bug
·SMPlayer 0.6.0 Final 发布
·尝鲜Firefox 3.0 RC1候选版
·Compiz Fusion 0.7.2已发布可下载
·Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) LTS下载地
·Fedora 9 官方下载地址
·Fedora 9官方正式发布(官方下载地址)
·U盘上的发行版:Slax 6.0.3发布
·Ubuntu 8.04 RC 版 ISO 发布
·Compiz Fusion 0.7.2发布
·Sun xVM VirtualBox 1.6.0正式发布!
·Flash Player 更新至
·VMware Workstation 6.5 Beta 引入 Uni
·Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron Beta发布
·U盘上的发行版:Slax 6.0.2发布
·Ubuntu优化大师:Ubuntu Tweak 0.2.4发
·linux下的设计软件 Inkscape 0.4.6 发