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发行版:rPath Linux 2.0发布

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-05-19  来源:    会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 

rPath Linux是采用新的Conary分布式软件管理系统构造的Linux发行。Conary则是基于多年的Linux软件打包和发行版开发经验而设计,以将创建Linux发行中的多种复杂任务进行自动化处理。rPath的宗旨是提供系统软件以能方便地被修改为适合独特的应用需求。rPath Linux采用Conary分布式软件管理系统而构建,除自身作为一份发行外,它还是一项被明确设计为允许用户使用rBuilder Online技术面向特定目标创造操作系统镜像的基础架构。
Michael K. Johnson has announced the release of rPath Linux 2.0, a highly customisable appliance operating system featuring the Conary package management utility: "rPath is pleased to announce that rPath Linux 2 is now available and recommended for general use as an appliance platform. What's new? rPath Linux 2 is the next step in the evolution of the rPath Linux platform. In addition to a technology refresh (new versions of included packages), rPath Linux 2 is better tuned as a platform to show off your work. Just enough OS - rPath Linux 2 is smaller than rPath Linux 1. Boot splash branding - rPath Linux 2 implements a graphical boot process which is easy to customize to look the way you want. Additional security mechanisms: - several additional runtime security measures have been added to most packages. More robust system boot - the syslinux bootloader is now the default bootloader....." Read the complete release announcement for more information. Download (MD5): rpath-2.0-x86-dvd1.iso (837MB), rpath-2.0-x86_64-dvd1.iso (896MB).

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·Phoronix Test Suite 0.7.0 发布
·openSUSE 11.0 Beta 3 发布 修正的Bug
·SMPlayer 0.6.0 Final 发布
·尝鲜Firefox 3.0 RC1候选版
·修正大量Bug,OpenSUSE 11.0 Beta3 发布
·发行版:MEPIS antiX 7.2发布
·开发版:Litrix Linux 8.5 RC1发布
·最流行的桌面环境:GNOME 2.23.2发布
·Ultrastar Deluxe 1.01 Linux版本发布
·开发版:Sabayon Linux 3.5 Beta 3发布
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·Ubuntu 8.04 RC 版 ISO 发布
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