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发行版:Kurumin NG 8.06发布

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-06-19  lupa   会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 

Kurumin Linux是一份巴西人开发的从光盘运行的Linux发行,它基于Knoppix。其主要特性在于出色的硬件自动监测,巴西葡萄牙语支持,以及非常小的个头:这份ISO镜像文件不足200M字节。
Leandro Santos has announced the release of Kurumin NG 8.06, a Brazilian desktop distribution based on Kubuntu 8.04, but enhanced with features developed earlier by the Kurumin and Kalango projects. Version 8.06 is the project's first stable release. Some of the changes since the earlier beta release include: upgrade of the system to the latest Kubuntu "Hardy Heron" code; Magic icons improvements; addition of a shortcut to KFind (a files and folders search tool); minor changes in the configuration of APT sources; addition of a My Computer shortcut to the desktop; several new magic icons for Blender, Picasa, Flash plugin, Skype, Songbird, etc; various cosmetic changes to the desktop and GRUB boot theme; new applications - Audacity, Thunderbird, KDE Games, XGalaga, Ltris, Jockey-KDE, GParted and additional media codecs for K3B; removal of Kontact and its dependencies. Read the full release announcement (in Portuguese) for further information. Download: kurumin-ng_8.06.iso (657MB, MD5, torrent).

上一篇:红帽开源Red Hat Network   下一篇:发行版:Zenwalk Live 5.2发布

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·发行版:Zenwalk Live 5.2发布
·开发版:Pardus Linux 2008 RC2发布
·GNOME 2.23.4发布
·Damn Small Linux 4.4.1 - U盘上的Linux
·Wine 1.0 正式发布
·内核发行版:Linux Kernel
·OpenOffice.org 3.0 Beta 19
·发行版:Pioneer Linux 3.2发布
·Wine 1.0将在20号发布
·Transmission 1.22 发布
·Wine 1.0 跳票后 新的发布时间已定
·浏览器 播放器: Songbird 0.6 正式版发布
·开发版:linuX-gamers Live DVD 0.9.3发布
·发行版:VectorLinux 5.9 SOHO发布
·发行版:Myah OS 3.0 Box发布
密码: 匿名评论

·GNOME 2.23.4发布
·开发版:Pardus Linux 2008 RC2发布
·发行版:Zenwalk Live 5.2发布
·Damn Small Linux 4.4.1 - U盘上的Linu
·Wine 1.0 正式发布
·内核发行版:Linux Kernel
·OpenOffice.org 3.0 Beta 19
·发行版:Pioneer Linux 3.2发布
·Wine 1.0将在20号发布
·Transmission 1.22 发布
·Wine 1.0 跳票后 新的发布时间已定
·Compiz Fusion 0.7.2已发布可下载
·Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) LTS下载地
·Fedora 9 官方下载地址
·U盘上的发行版:Slax 6.0.3发布
·Fedora 9官方正式发布(官方下载地址)
·Sun xVM VirtualBox 1.6.0正式发布!
·VMware Workstation 6.5 Beta 引入 Uni
·Compiz Fusion 0.7.2发布
·Ubuntu 8.04 RC 版 ISO 发布
·发行版:eAR OS 1.08发布
·Fedora 9 bt 种子下载地址(官方提供)
·U盘上的发行版:Slax 6.0.2发布
·Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron Beta发布
·Flash Player 更新至