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发行版发布:MirOS BSD #10

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-01-01  来源: Linux论坛  1205839748  会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 
MirOS面向小规模服务器及开发工作站,尽管为了满足用户需求它也带有KDE或GNOME。这是一份很小很安全的操作系统,并且完全免费授权。MirOS BSD源自OpenBSD和NetBSD,目前能运行在i386和SPARC架构上,今后将会支持PPC。

Thorsten Glaser has announced the release of MirOS BSD #10, an OpenBSD-based secure operating system for i386 and SPARC architectures: "The MirOS Project proudly presents release #10 of MirOS BSD." A quick overview of features: "Releasedsimultaneously on both supported architectures; support both formulti-byte and wide-character strings including conversion functions;the MirOS Korn Shell, mksh, now at release R33; pkgsrc from NetBSD canbe installed and used in parallel as a complement to MirPorts; bugs inall parts of the system have been fixed; OpenBSD and Linux binaries canbe run at native speed using the kernel binary emulation; securityupgrades will be released both in source and binary form." Read the complete release announcement for further details. Download the dual-architecture installation CD from here: MIR80316.ISO (656MB, torrent).

上一篇:华硕:2008年要卖200万台Linux PC   下一篇:GNOME Do — 快速打开程序和文件

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·华硕:2008年要卖200万台Linux PC
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