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开发版:Ulteo Applications System Beta 1发布

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-03-18  来源:    会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 

Ulteo是基于Debian/Ubuntu的Linux发行,其创建人为Gaël Duval,他是原先Mandrake Linux(现今的Mandriva Linux)的创始人并且是MandrakeSoft(现今的Mandriva)的合伙创办人。目前Ulteo还处于早期开发阶段,该项目承诺提供一些新概念,它们被设计为去帮助那些只具备有限知识的个人用户来完成很多日常计算任务。
Gaël Duval has announced the availability of the first beta release of Ulteo Application System, a Linux distribution with the goal of simplifying the use of computers by bypassing installation of applications, and bringing mobility features: "After the recent success we had at providing OpenOffice.org in a web browser, we're proud to deliver the first beta of nearly two years of work: Ulteo Application System 'Sirius' is now ready for download on several mirrors. It was the needed 'client' brick to the Ulteo framework that is made of several online services, and provides, among others, automatic personal data (and forthcoming user environment) synchronising. In this release, you will also be able to test the first version of the 'My Digital Life' panel which is a new way to organise your documents and applications, and manage your system installations." Read the release announcement and release notes for further information. Download (MD5): ulteo-08.00beta-install-i386.iso (656MB).

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