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发行版:NetSecL 2.2发布

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-02-19     会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 

NetSecL是基于Slackware Linux的聚焦于系统安全的发行。为了改进该发行的安全,一些服务器程序被移除,侦听端口及服务被关闭。此外,它引入了一套网络渗透工具。
Iuri Stanchev has announced the release of NetSecL 2.2, a security-focused distribution based on Slackware Linux: "NetSecL 2.2 is out! As you can see I have shrunk the distribution to 1 CD. The default desktop is Xfce from now on, but you can still run KDE applications. In this release you will find 106 updates and 20 fixes, Linux kernel with GrSecurity also the pre-compiled kernel supports from 1 up to 8 processors. Major packages like Snort, iptables, firewall scripts and others were updated. The fixes in this release are updates as well. The mark i486_64 indicates that the package is executable from i486 machines up to 64-bit systems, it also indicates that it is compiled with Binutils that supports PT_PAX_FLAGS and with GCC with stack smashing protection." Read the release announcement and changelog for more details. Download: netsecl-2.2-install.iso (702MB, MD5).

上一篇:发行版:CentOS 5.1 Live CD发布   下一篇:发行版:Scientific Linux 5.1 Live CD/DVD发布

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