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VirtualBox 更新到 1.5.6

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-02-19     会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 

开源虚拟机软件 VirtualBox 已更新到了 1.5.6 版。其中,一些有意思的更改内容包括:修正了无缝模式和全屏模式的问题,改善了 Solaris 客户机的性能,支持只读共享文件夹,支持 E1000 设备模拟,与 Kernel 2.6.24 的兼容性更好,等等。

VirtualBox 1.5.6 的完整更改记录如下:

* GUI: fixed several error messages
* GUI: fixed registration dialog crashes once and for all
* GUI: really ask before resetting the VM
* GUI: release mouse and keyboard before the host activates the screensaver
* GUI: fixed issue with license display on big screens
* GUI: added setting for network name for internal networks
* GUI: added setting for network device type
* GUI: keyboard fixes
* GUI: seamless mode and fullscreen mode fixes
* GUI: fixed soaked hostkey keyup event under certain conditions
* GUI: more informative message dialog buttons
* GUI: VM selector context menu
* VBoxSDL: added -termacpi switch
* VBoxSDL: fixed automatic adaption of the guest screen resolution to the size of the VM window
* VMM: under heavy guest activity, for example when copying files to/from a shared folder, the VM could crash with an assertion
* VMM: added an option to select PIIX4 (improves compatibility with Windows guests created by VMware)
* VMM: fixed a bug which could lead to memory corruption under rare circumstances
* VMM: improved performance of Solaris guests
* VRDP: fixed a 1.5.4 regression: VRDP client and server were out-of-sync if the VM was started using the GUI
* VRDP: proper error handling if the VRDP library could not be loaded
* VBoxManage: fixed crash during clonevdi
* VBoxManage: added ’list runningvms’ command
* VBoxManage: improved the compatibility when reading the partition table of a raw disk
* Shared Folders: added support for read-only shared folders
* Shared Clipboard: several fixes
* Network: experimental support for E1000 device emulation
* iSCSI: better check for misconfigured targets
* iSCSI: allow to directly attach to internal networks with integrated mini IP stack
* PulseAudio: don’t hang during VM initialization if no sound server is available
* VDI: fixed sized virtual disk images are now completely written during creation to workaround buggy sparse file handling on some OS (e.g. Vista)
* VDI/VMDK: prevent indexing of .vdi and .vmdk files on Windows hosts
* RDP: fixed compilation of the Linux rdesktop client on newer Linux kernels
* RDP: install rdesktop-vrdp on Linux hosts
* ACPI: added sleep button event
* Serial: proper handling of inaccessible host devices
* Windows installer: allow smooth upgrade without deinstallation
* Linux installer: fixed Slackware detection regression
* Linux installer: updated VBoxTunctl allowing to assign a tap device to a group on Linux kernels > 2.6.23
* Windows additions: several fixes, in particular for Windows NT4
* Linux additions: fixed installer for Kubuntu 8.04
* Linux additions: add default video mode for handling video mode hints from the host
* Linux host: compatibility fixes with Linux > 2.6.24

- 下载 VirtualBox 1.5.6


上一篇:SGI购Linux Networx增HPC集群优化能力   下一篇:发行版:CentOS 5.1 Live CD发布

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