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高级嵌入式工程师Senior Linux Driver Engineer 上海怡瑞投资管理咨询有限公司

http://www.oklinux.cn  2009-02-24  招聘单位: 上海怡瑞投资管理咨询有限公司   收藏  
职位描述: 受某知名美国企业委托、为其寻找Senior Linux Driver Engineer,其职位要求如下 Responsibilities 1. You will be a member of a team of embedded software engineers working on software development projects for digital TV products. 2. Develop Boot Loader/Drivers/(Board Support Package), bring up reference boards based on DTV Chips 3. Develop code for one or more software components that will be part of the complete system solution. 4. Participate in software design; including definition of component interfaces and system APIs. 5. Perform unit test and debug to ensure software code meets product feature requirements, engineering specifications, and quality goals. 6. Document design and code and participate in peer code reviews. 7. Participate in system-level debug of problems and quickly implement fixes. 8. Assist in the analysis and resolution of customers-reported issues. 9. Clearly track and communicate progress on code development and problem resolution to management. 10. Work effectively with peer engineers at other Company engineering locations Skills and experience requirements 1. Good written and oral communication skills in English and Chinese - preferred 2. 2 years of Boot Loader/Drivers/BSP (Board Support Package) development experience 3. Strong C coding and software debugging skills – highly proficient with software tools 4. 2 years experience of embedded multitasking C development 5. Familiar with real time operating systems and tool chains – Linux preferred 6. Working knowledge of the following technologies: HDTV or STB or MPEG 7. (Preferred) experience in developing middleware for consumer products .
上一篇:Linux software engineer 上海怡瑞投资管理咨询有限公司   下一篇:Linux SW Manager 上海怡瑞投资管理咨询有限公司
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·Linux系统管理员 上海嘉康信息有限公司
·Linux SW Manager 上海怡瑞投资管理咨
·Linux software engineer 上海怡瑞投资
·Bluetooth Linux Driver Software Engi
·系统管理工程师-- Unix/Linux 联强国际
·Linux 系统维护工程师 北京金道天成信
·linux系统管理员 指点网络技术(上海)
·网络安全研发人员(unix、linux) 上海
·Linux 讲师 上海旗盈信息咨询有限公司
·Linux系统工程师 上海敏锐信息科技有限
·HP linux OSLO Testing Engineer 晶世
·linux unix 系统管理员 程清(上海)信
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