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http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-08-29  linuxidc   会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 


Oracle Enterprise Manager 2.0.4
Oracle Enterprise Manager 2.0.5
Oracle Enterprise Manager 2.1
Oracle Enterprise Manager 2.2
Oracle Enterprise Manager 9.0.1

Logging into the Enterprise Manager Console as the superuser SYSMAN fails with
'Invalid Login Credentials Supplied'

This problem occurs because an existing EM Superuser modified the SYSMAN
password or the password was forgotten. In either case, the EM Administrator
cannot logon to the EM Console or administer the Oracle Management Server
from the command line.

The procedure smp_maintenance.reset_sysman() (and script. "vduResetSysman.sql"
in OEM 2.0.4) resets the SYSMAN password to the default setting.
During the next EM Console logon attempt using the SYSMAN account,
the software forces a password change. The passwords are not logged in
history and can be reused. The password is limited to 8 characters and is

Use the correct logon credentials.

1. When the Enterprise Manager (EM) OMS and Repository are new, the default EM
Administrator account and password are:

Name: sysman
Password: oem_temp

During this first logon attempt to the EM Console, a security warning will be
displayed prompting for a change to the default sysman password.

2. When the EM setup is not new and the account supplied in the logon window
previously worked, try using a different EM administrator account. If
necessary, use the SYSMAN account and then reset the invalid username's

Note: The administrator name is not case sensitive, however, the password is
case sensitive.

If oem_temp is no longer the password for SYSMAN and you need to reset the
existing password back to oem_temp, perform. the following steps:

3. Obtain the username/password of the EM Repository owner. The username is
normally stored in the omsconfig.properties file but the password is

4. Shutdown the OEM Console login dialog box.

5. Shutdown the Oracle Management Server (OMS).

6. Connect to the Repository database, where the EM Repository is stored.
Connect as the EM Repository owner using SQL*Plus Worksheet, and choose the
option to "connect directly to a database" (or connect using SQL*Plus).

7. Execute the following SQL statement:

'execute smp_maintenance.reset_sysman();'

For OEM 2.0.4 execute the script. vduResetSysman.sql, for example:
csh% sqlplus repository_owner/[email protected]
Sqlplus> @$ORACLE_HOME/sysman/admin/vduResetSysman.sql;


8. Restart the OMS and start the OEM Console.

9. Log in as the user SYSMAN and specify the password "oem_temp".
Change the default password when you are prompted.

上一篇:Linux下安装Oracle的诀窍你了解吗   下一篇:Linux中的块设备和字符设备

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