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发行版发布:KNOPPIX 6.0

http://www.oklinux.cn  2009-02-02  Linux论坛    会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 
KNOPPIX是一张可启动光盘,上面收集了一些GNU/Linux软件,并集成了自动硬件识别以及对许多图形显示卡、声卡、SCSI和USB设备以及其他外围设备的支持。KNOPPIX可以用于Linux演示、教学光盘、应急系统,或者被用来作为商用软件产品的演示平台。没有必要将所有的东西都安装在硬盘上。得益于其on-the-fly的解压缩技术,这张光盘上最多可以集成2 GB的可执行软件。

Klaus Knopper has released KNOPPIX6.0, a brand new version of the popular Debian-based live CD, now withLXDE as the default desktop and ADRIANE, an audio desktop for thevisually impaired. From the changelog: "KNOPPIX6.0.0 / ADRIANE 1.1. Complete rebuild from scratch, based on Debian'Lenny' (draft); new boot procedure with highly parallelized hardwaredetection and configuration; LXDE as default desktop; OpenOffice.org3.0.1; Firefox / Iceweasel 3.0.5; starts blind-friendly, talkingADRIANE menu by default (use boot option 'knoppix' for directly bootinginto graphical desktop; very reduced software collection in order toeasily fit on CD; NetworkManager (support for Debian interfacesenabled); 'flash-knoppix' - create bootable USB memory stick from CD;began porting Knoppix 5.x boot options and features to the new system(not complete yet)." Read the full changelog for further information. Download the English or German live CD from here: KNOPPIX_V6.0-ADRIANE_V1.1CD-2009-01-27-EN.iso (649MB, MD5), KNOPPIX_V6.0-ADRIANE_V1.1CD-2009-01-27-DE.iso (649MB, MD5).

上一篇:Linux学校先锋:瑞士日内瓦   下一篇:GCC的插件将必须使用GPL

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·Wine 1.1.14发布
·Sun上海发布MySQL 5.1版
·ALSA 1.0.19 发布
·Debian for Android installer 发布
·Linux Kernel释出
·Ubuntu 9.04 Alpha 3发布
·GNOME 2.24.3
·KDE 4.2 RC版发布
·Linux桌面环境KDE 4.1.4发布
·下载:面向Linux版催化剂9.2 Beta发布
·Exaile 0.3.0a1 放出
·Fedora 9官方正式发布(官方下载地址)
·Compiz Fusion 0.7.2已发布可下载
·VMware Workstation 6.5 Beta 引入 Uni
·Fedora 9 官方下载地址
·Ubuntu 8.10正式版及衍生版下载地址
·Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) LTS下载地
·Fedora 9 bt 种子下载地址(官方提供)
·发行版发布:KNOPPIX 5.3.1
·Sun xVM VirtualBox 1.6.0正式发布!
·Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.2发布
·U盘上的发行版:Slax 6.0.3发布
·Ubuntu优化大师:Ubuntu Tweak 0.2.4发
·Ubuntu 8.10(Intrepid Ibex)正式版发布
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