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VectorLinux 6.0 Beta 1发布

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-11-27  distrowatch    会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 

Robert Lange has announced the availability of the first beta release of VectorLinux 6.0: "The VectorLinux development team is proud to announce the first beta release of VectorLinux 6.0. The big news is that VectorLinux has a new GUI installer for the first time! This was built from the ground up and not a rehash of any of the other GUI installers. This release features the kernel, with the latest wireless drivers and firmware updates. The default window manager is Xfce with LXDE as an alternate. We have the latest Firefox, Opera and SeaMonkey with all the media codecs and Flash so all the web and personal media content is available out of the box. For light office work you will find the latest AbiWord and Gnumeric. The included multimedia applications are the latest MPlayer, Xine, K3b and VLC." Here is the full release announcement. Download: VL6.0-STD-B1.iso (633MB, MD5).

上一篇:Fedora 10也来个U盘安装版   下一篇:Poseidon Linux 3.1发布

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·CrunchBang Linux 8.10.01发布
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·新版Opera Mini支持Android平台
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·Caos Linux NSA 1.0发布
·Fedora 10正式版今发布引入众多新功能
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·Ubuntu 9.04 Alpha 1测试版已经公开发
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·Fedora 11 5大新功能简介
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