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BSDCan 2008: Google Summer of Code

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-05-19  来源:  Linux时代  会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 
Leslie Hawthorn,是一位来自google开源项目团队的女性项目经理,她目前在bsdcan 2008上发表了她的演讲,主题是Google Code of Summer项目对FreeBSD项目的影响。 她首先谈了一下目前她们的Google开源项目团队的工作情况,他们目前的主要任务有如何更好的遵守开源许可证协议、维护Google Code of Summer上超过70万个的开源软件项目,进行学术研究、资助开源项目开发,以及一些社区外延项目的发展,比如赞助BSDCan 2008。接着,她讲述了他们的开源项目团队自从2005开始如何进行工作。

Google 的Summer of code已经举办4届了,Leslie同时指出,在这4年中,有超过1500名研究生和2000名的技术导师参与了其中,这些人员来自全球98个国家,所涉及的开源软件项目达到175个。到今年这届,该项目实际资助开源项目开发的资金超过一千万美金,产生了超过六百万行的软件代码。

Leslie Hawthorn, a Program Manager in Google's Open Source team, gave a talk at BSDCAN 2008 on Google's ongoing Summer of Code project. She started by explaining what the open source team does, including enforcing license compliance, hosting over 700,000 open source projects with Google Code, academic research, funding open source development, and community outreach including the sponsorship of conferences such as BSDCan. She went on to discuss how she got started running the project after its initial launch in 2005.

Having sponsored four summer of code's now, Leslie noted that Google has had over 1,500 "graduates" and over 2,000 mentors involved, coming from over 98 countries and working with over 175 open source projects. By the end of the currently in progress 2008 Summer of Code, the project will have provided over 10 million US dollars in funding, generating over 6 million lines of code.
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Of the BSDs, Leslie stated that this year FreeBSD, NetBSD and DragonFly BSD are involved in the program. She welcomed DragonFly as a new member, noting that they received around 40 applications. She described 30% of these applications as well targeted, and noted this was very good for a new project. She held them up as an example of a group that is doing things right on their first try, impressed that their proposals were developed collaboratively and in the open using a Wiki, where potential students and mentors worked together on the process.

She then displayed a series of maps, showing where each of the involved BSD project's students and mentors were located around the world.

Lessons Learned
Leslie jumped into a series of slides, each with a phrase illustrating what Google has learned from running the Summer of Code program.

* There are no rules
Leslie noted that when working with open source, the general rule is to ask for forgiveness, not for permission. She noted that Google imposes very few rules for participating projects, trying to remain as hands off as possible. "We can't tell you what's good for your project, we don't know!"

* There can only be one
She noted that the person who proposes that a project get involved with the Summer of Code is generally the one doing all of the work, "But don't let it stop you!".

* Recognize when you are under resourced
Leslie suggested that proposals indicating "I wish to conquer the world" are a little too ambitious, and a good mentor should set reasonable expectations. She also suggested that projects trying to get involved in the program should already have a list of ideas when approaching Google, rather than confessing to having not given it any thought yet.

* There's never enough
"We have so many great students, and there's only funding for X students. Honestly, I just wish we had more money too," Leslie explained, noting that they've added 1 million dollars to the program's budget each year, and they always end up taking on more students than they originally intended.

* If at first you don't succeed, try and try again
Leslie explained that they do notice repeated attempts to apply to the program, and that continuing to apply is a good thing. As an example, she noted that this year was the third time DragonFly BSD applied, but the first time it was accepted.

* You get what you give
She described the evolution of the NetBSD project's involvement in the program, starting with a free for all the first year, then moving to a lengthy list of proposed ideas the next. Then in 2007 they decided they hadn't screened their applicants well enough and added hurdles to joining the program. Now, in 2008, it was decided it was best to attract new developers, and intentionally designed half their proposals with newbies in mind.

* Okay to fail
Leslie stated that Summer of Code projects have a 15% failure rate, and that it's okay to fail as long as you learn something. At this point, she murmed something about it's okay to fail, but it's not okay to cheat, then moved on to the next slide.
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