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Linux开源模拟器Wine 0.9.54版下载

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-01-27  OKLinux搜集整理   会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 

开源模拟器Wine已经更新到了最新的 0.9.54 版。而且该版本可以运行功能强大的 Photoshop CS/CS2 软件,详细安装方法见下面的英文。这对希望在 Linux 下使用 Photoshop 来进行图像处理的朋友来说,无疑是一个好消息。另外,Wine 0.9.54 也改进了调试器支持,并修正了一些 RPC 问题。

Wine 0.9.54版下载,任选一个即可!





Wine 是在 Linux 操作系统下执行部分 Windows 应用程序的工具!如果你想在 Linux 下运行 Windows 程序,Wine 将是你必不可少的工具!Wine Is Not Emulator在 X 和 UNIX 之上的,Windows 3.x 和 Windows APIs 的实现.它是一个Windows 兼容层,这个层即提供了一个用来从 Windows 源进出到 UNIX 的开发工具包(Winelib);也提供了一个程序加载器,该加载器允许不用任何修改 Windows 3.1/95/NT 的二进制文件,就可以运行在 Intel Unix 及其衍生版本下.

Running Adobe Photoshop on Wine

Photoshop 5 through CS2 install and works pretty well on wine! Here are some tips you'll need to run it successfully:

You shouldn't have to copy Photoshop from Windows; just install it under Wine by running its Setup.exe. (To run a .exe under wine, you have to doubleclick it, right click and choose "Run with Wine", or run it from the commandline using the 'wine' command, depending on how your Linux distribution integrates Wine.)

Never use a cracked version of Photoshop.

Never run Wine as root.

Use a recent version of Wine (latest is 0.9.54).

Before installing Photoshop, install the Times32 font by downloading and running http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/corefonts/times32.exe

The Clone tool uses the ALT key in a way that conflicts with many window managers. Here's how to fix that:

Ubuntu: System / Windows / Movement Key, and pick "Super" instead of "Alt".

KUbuntu: K / System Settings / Look and Feel / Windows / Movement Key, and pick "Super" instead of "Alt"

SuSE with Gnome: Computer / Control Center / Look and Feel / Windows / Movement Key, and pick "Super" instead of "Alt"

SuSE with KDE: Gecko / Favorites / Configure Desktop / Desktop / Window behavior / Window Actions / "Inner Window, Titlebar & Frame" , and pick "Meta" instead of "Alt"

Known Issues

wine-0.9.54 or later is needed to use Photoshop CS2 or pressure-sensitive tablets properly.

If installing Photoshop from CD-ROM fails quickly, you might need to install mfc42 by running 'wget kegel.com/wine/winetricks; sh winetricks vcrun6'

If you don't have Times32 installed when you first run Photoshop CS2, it will refuse to run ever again, claiming there's a hardware error.

ImageReady CS/CS2 don't work yet.

Bridge CS2 (and therefore File/Browse in Photoshop CS2) doesn't work yet.

Photoshop CS3 doesn't even install yet.

Photoshop Elements 4 and 5 won't work unless you install Microsoft's ODBC (e.g. using winetricks mdac28). One user recommends doing 'wget http://kegel.com/wine/winetricks; sh winetricks fakeie6 mdac28 jet40' before installing.

上一篇:ChmSee for Ubuntu的deb包下载   下一篇:从Windows系统下访问Linux分区相关软件

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