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http://www.oklinux.cn  2006-06-15  来源: oklinux收集整理  sonwfly      会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 
1. when the system is mounted, all file systems in the /etc/fstab are mounted, except those with what in the option column?
a. nomount
b. noauto
c. noatime
d. nohup

2. you want to compile a new kernel. you have just run "make dep". what should you do next?

choose the best answer:
a. make bzimage
b. make dep
c. make clean
d. make mrproper
e. make xconfig

3. with a linux 2.2 kernel-based machine configuration of 133 mhz, 32 mb ram and a 1 gb hd, how much swap should be configured?
a. 512mb
b. 256mb
c. 128mb
d. 64mb
e. 32mb

4. which command removes all subdirectories in /tmp, regardless of whether they are non-existent or in use?
a. del /tmp/*
b. m -rf /tmp
c. rm -ra /tmp/*
d. rm -rf /tmp/*
e. delete /tmp/*,*

5. you have the following file:
-rwxrwxr-x 1 foo root 0 feb 23 07:48 /bin/foo
which of the following commands will change the owner of the file /bin/foo from the foo user to the bar user without affecting group ownership?
a. chown /bin/foo bar
b. chown bar /bin/foo
c. chown bar.foo /bin/foo
d. chown.foo.bar /bin/foo

6. your unmask is set to 002. if you create a new file, what will the permission of the new file be?
a. –rw-rw-r--
b. rwxrwx-w-
c. ------w-
d. rwxrwxr-x

7. what linux utility allows you to easily configure your sound blaster card on linux?
a. sndconfig
b. soundconf
c. usrconf
d. sysconf

8. where can lilo place boot code?
a. the boot rom
b. the boot ram
c. the /boot partition
d. the mbr on a hard drive

9. what lilo.conf parameter will cause the root file system to be mounted read only?
a. no-write
b. read
c. no-right
d. read-only

10. linux is a(n) _________ operating system, meaning the source code is freely available.
a. open sourced
b. user licensed
c. closed source
d. open binary

11. which of the following commands can be used to extract a tar file?
a. tar -vf
b. tar -xvf
c. tar -e
d. tar -v

12. which of the following commands can be used to create a tar archive file in verbose mode?
a. tar -v

b. tar -cvf
c. tar -c
d. tar -vf

13. in what file do you change default shell variables for all users?
a. /etc/bashrc
b. /etc/profile
c. ~/.bash_profile
d. /etc/skel/.bashrc
e. /etc/skel/.bash_profile

14. which two files in a user's home directory are used to customize the bash environment?
a. bash and .bashrc
b. bashrc and-bash_conf
c. bashrc and bashprofile
d. .bashrc and .bash_profile
e. bash.conf and .bash_profile

15. where are the default settings for the useradd command kept?
a. /etc/default/useradd
b. /etc/sysconfig/useradd.cfg
c. /etc/.useradd
d. /etc/defaults/useradd
e. /etc/login.defs

16. which protocol is used by ping?
a. tcp
b. udp
c. smb
d. icmp
e. ospf

17. if you suspect that a gateway machine on your network has failed but you are unsure which machine, which command will help locate the problem?
a. ps
b. netstat
c. nsloopup
d. ifconfig
e. traceroute

18. what is the binary conversion of the ip address
a. 11000000.10101000.00000001.00001010
b. 01101010.11000100.10101000.00000001
c. 00000001.00001010.11000000.10101000
d. 10101000.00000001.00001010.11000000
e. none of the choices

19. your server logfile shows repeated connections to tcp port 143, what service is being accessed?
a. smtp
b. imap
c. pop3
d. pop2

20. the _____ is used by the local host to determine which hosts are on the local subnet, and which hosts are on remote networks.
a. dns
b. arp
c. gateway
d. netmask
e. routing protocol

21. what system file contains definitions of well known ports, their associated services and protocols?
a. /etc/services
b. /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
c. /etc/services.conf
d. /etc/inet/hosts
e. none of the choices

22. what is a well-known service that binds port 25 and is it required on all hosts?
a. snmp and it should be turned off if not needed.
b. smtp and it is a required service.
c. smtp and it is only required on mx hosts.
d. slpd and it is required if you run ldap services.
e. sshd and it is required for secure logins.

23. your machine has two working nic's with proper addresses. you want to split your network into two new subnets. what single command will accomplish this?
a. ifconfig
b. route
c. default
d. netstat
e. none of the choices

24. what directory be default contains the delivered mail for each user?
a. ~/mail/
b. /usr/mail/
c. /var/mail/
d. /var/mail/spool/
e. /var/spool/mail/

25. you are running an email server configured with the default settings. in which directory will you found the delivered mail for the user foo?
a. /var/spool/mail
b. /home/foo/mail
c. /var/mail/spool
d. /var/users/mail

26. you have a standard apache web server installation and want to make it respond to requests on port 8088. to do this, what configuration file do you need to change?
a. none. this is the default port.
b. /etc/httpd/apache.conf
c. /etc/httpd/ports.conf
d. /etc/httpd/httpd.conf
e. /etc/httpd/access.conf

27. what configuration file and directive will alter your apache server ip and or port that it listens to?
a. port
b. ipaddress
c. listen
d. minspareservers

28. what apache directive must you change when using inetd to control your apache server?
a. servertype
b. serverinetd
c. inetserver
d. startserver
e. servermethod

29. which apache directive specifies the location of the http documents?
a. rootdocument
b. serverroot
c. documentroot
d. rootserver
e. docpath

30. what command can be used to shut down the apache server gracefully?
a. apacheshut
b. apachectl
c. apachestop
d. apachestart

31. how many spare server processes are required by apache for the typical, low-to-moderate volume website?
a. 1
b. 50
c. 10
d. 200

32. what is the simplest method to connect a win98 host to a linux server? choose all that apply.

a. velcro
b. samba
c. nfs
d. dns
e. wins

33. what is true about the root user and nfs?
a. nfs shares don't allow root access by default
b. nfs automatically masks out share permissions
c. nfs automatically maps all root uid's to the local user "rootsquash"
d. nfs ignores all users with a uid of 0 and a gid of 0
e. nfs pays no attention whatsoever to security

34. what configuration files on a linux server can be configured to share file systems with clients?
a. /etc/nmbd
b. /etc/smbd
c. /etc/smb/samba.conf
d. /etc/smb.conf
e. /etc/samba/smb.conf

35. this is a line from the file /etc/export:
/product certkiller (rw)
what does it mean?
a. only user certkiller may access the filesystem /product when it is nfs mounted.
b. this computer will mount the filesystem /product on certkiller via nfs.
c. the filesystem /product is exported for nfs mount to computer certkiller .
d. all nfs access to /product will use suid certkiller .

36. shares can be configured for export via the nfs service by editing what file?
a. /etc/exports
b. /etc/export
c. /etc/exportfs
d. /etc/nfs/exports

37. which port is used for dns
a. 110
b. 21
c. 23
d. 52
e. 53

38. what are reverse dns entries used for?
a. reverse dns enable diagnostic commands like traceroute to work.
b. reverse dns gives you information about the owner of the dns entry.
c. reverse dns provides the hostname for a particular numeric ip address.
d. reverse dns provides geographical information about the dns net location.

39. what file determines the dns servers used by your computer?
a. /etc/hosts
b. /etc/named.conf
c. /etc/nsswitch.conf
d. /etc/resolv.conf

40. when you use dns to find a hostname using a particular ip address, which kind of dns entry is involved?
a. reverse dns entries
b. ip dns entries
c. address dns entries
d. network dns entries

41. what file on a system contains a list of hosts that can't connect to the machine's services?
a. /etc/hosts/denial
b. /etc/hosts.deny
c. /etc/host.notallow
d. /etc/inetd.conf
e. /etc/hosts.not

42. which of the following services would you be least likely to configure to be governed over by the internet super server?

a. ftp
b. telnet
c. ssh
d. finger
e. bind

43. on a system using shadowed passwords, the correct permissions for /etc/passwd are ____- and the correct permission for /etc/shadow are _______.
a. -rw-r-----, -r--------
b. -rw-r--r--, -r--r--r--
c. -rw-r--r--, -r--------
d. -rw-r--rw-, -r-----r--
e. -rw--------, -r-------

44. which of the following files has the correct permissions?
a. -rw--w--w- 1 root root 369 dec 22 22:38 /etc/shadow
b. -rwxrw-rw- 1 root root 369 dec 22 22:38 /etc/shadow
c. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 369 dec 22 22:38 /etc/shadow
d. –r-------- 1 root root 369 dec 22 22:38 /ect/shadow

45. you have a user whose account you want to disable but not remove. what should you do?
a. edit /etc/gshadow and just remove his name.
b. edit /etc/passwd and change all numbers to 0.
c. edit /etc/shadow file and remove the last field.
d. edit /etc/passwd and insert an * after the first :.
e. edit /etc/group file and put a # sign in front of his name.

46. to create a user account, keep in mind that the username is at most ____ characters long.
a. 6
b. 8
c. 12
d. 18

47. what file contains the default environment variables when using the bash shell?
a. ~/.profile
b. /bash
c. /etc/profile
d. ~/bash

48. all groups are defined in the /etc/group file. each entry contains four fields in the following
a. groupname, password, gid, member list
b. gid, groupname, password, member list
c. groupname, gid, password, member list
d. gid, member list, groupname, password

49. there are seven fields in the /etc/passwd file. which of the following lists all the fields in the
correct order?
a. username, uid, password, gid, home directory, command, comment
b. username, password, uid, gid, comment, home directory, command
c. uid, username, gid, home directory, password, comment, command
d. username, password, uid, group name, gid, home directory, comment

50. what is the usual mode for the /tmp directory?
a. 0777
b. 0755
c. 7777
d. 1777
e. 0222

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