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http://www.oklinux.cn  2006-04-26  来源: oklinux收集整理  西西      会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 
定制Ubuntu CD的过程并不复杂,但是她有一些繁琐和过分的讲究。我对这过程的所知并不完美,因此,希望有人可以作适当修改。











DEFAULT /install/vmlinuz

APPEND preseed/file=/cdrom/preseed/learnexchange.seed kbd-chooser/method=us debian-installer/locale=en_CA vga=normal initrd=/install/initrd.gz ramdisk_size=16384 root=/dev/rd/0 DEBCONF_PRIORITY=critical debconf/priority=critical rw --

"DEFAULT"是指我在boot提示符下直接按回车键装载的内核。APPEND 包涵了要传给内核的参数。preseed/file 是这儿最重要的参数;接着的那两个指出我的键盘布局用及本地为加拿大;DEBCONF_PRIORITY 用来确定我不想看到不必要的配置软件包提问。




# Don't install usplash.

d-i base-installer/kernel/linux/extra-packages-2.6 string

# Desktop system not installed; don't waste time and disk space copying it.

d-i archive-copier/desktop-task string ubuntu-standard

d-i archive-copier/ship-task string

# Only install the standard system and language packs in the second stage.

base-config base-config/package-selection string ~t^ubuntu-standard$

base-config base-config/language-pack-patterns string language-pack-$LL

# No language support packages.

base-config base-config/install-language-support boolean false

(Note that the version of this file on breezy CD images was buggy: it set base-config/package-selection to "~tubuntu-standard" rather than "~t^ubuntu-standard$". Use the new version in preference; the old one will break with Ubuntu 6.04.)

首先注意格式,有 4 个部分:





两个要注意的地方:现在,d-i 期望有精确的类型和值;在breezy这个版本不支持用 \ 来处理多行(新的版本支持)。

我建议您从一些现有的 preseed 来修改--这儿有一个可以用的 点击。 如果您没能在这儿找到,那就试着执行这些命令:

debconf-get-selections --installer > somefile.txt

debconf-get-selections >> somefile.txt

这会输出一个您在安装时候作出的选择的列表;这文件相当地长,并且实际上不那么适合用在安装盘里。特别是,NOTE: debconf-get-selections 会在类型和只之间放 2 个空格。您得在把她放在安装盘上以前修改他们。

如果您想让 d-i 安装额外的软件包,或者一个最小的系统,您需要在preseed里修改 "base-config base-config/package-selection"。This should be set to an aptitude pattern; see the aptitude documentation for more information on these. 例如,标准安装一个SSH服务,用这一行:

base-config base-config/package-selection string ~t^ubuntu-standard$|~t^ubuntu-desktop$|~n^openssh-server$

To install support for additional languages, a different mechanism is available, namely to preseed the detailed locale question asked by the installer in expert mode. See the first column of /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED for the locale names you can use here. 例如, 增加孟加拉语和泰米尔语的支持,用这一行:

d-i localechooser/supported-locales multiselect ba_IN, ta_IN


也许制定您自己的安装CD的主要原因是想改变所安装软件包;特别是您想增加一些包到CD里。这有好几个方法来做到,不需要完全地理解。最容易的事情是建立一个最小的仓库放您想要增加的包,再在制作光盘镜像文件之前合并到光盘文件体系里。这儿棘手的地方是:制作让Debian软件包管理系统知道这个仓库的相关文件;写一个更高版本的Release文件;并签上 GPG 。下面是我所做的。

. 选定一个文件目录作为您的工作空间;在这个目录里,

mkdir -p dists/breezy/extras/binary-i386 pool/extras/ isolinux preseed

把您修改过的isolinux.cfg放在目录isolinux/,把您的preseed文件放在目录preseed里。 Put your modified isolinux.cfg in isolinux/, and your preseed file in preseed/.

. 把您需要的所有额外的包放在目录 pool/extras/ 里。您还需要包括一个新版本的 ubuntu-keyring 包,我将马上解释一下

. 创建并编辑文件dists/breezy/extras/binary-i386/Release,写入下面的内容:

Archive: breezy

Version: 5.10

Component: extras

Origin: Ubuntu

Label: Ubuntu

Architecture: i386

. 把您做的修改这样合并到CD里:

挂载您下载的官方ISO文件:mount /path/to/iso /some/mountpoint/ -o loop

b. 把光盘里的全部文件拷贝到某个目录(您会需要1到2G的空间);我用rsync:sudo rsync -azvb --delete --backup-dir=/yeowe/usr/cdbuilder/old/ $MOUNT $BUILD ( 这儿的 $MOUNT 是挂载点,$BUILD 是额外的包的目录)

c. 最重要的地方. 我们将用apt-ftparchive工具来产生软件包相关和更高版本的Release文件。我们还要用GPG来签这个Release文件。安装程序会用包ubuntu-keyring 的公匙来检测签名。但是您的签名不一样。所以您得建立一个新版本的 ubuntu-keyring 包。这做起来很容易,但是要确保正确无误。下面是执行的命令:

apt-get source ubuntu-keyring

cd ubuntu-keyring--2005.01.11/keyring

gpg --import < ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg

gpg --list-keys "Your Name"

gpg --export FBB75451 437D05B5 YOURKEYID > ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg

cd ..

dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -m"Your Name -k"Your Name "

cp ubuntu-keyring*deb $BUILD/pool/extras/

OK -- what we've done here is import the 2 Ubuntu keys into your main keyring, then exported them along with your own key into a replacement keyring. "YOURKEYID" should be replaced with the 8-digit hexadecimal code that gpg tells you when you do the --list-keys command above. And really, the best policy would be to do all that first, and copy a version into your $STAGE file structure so that you have it permanently available.

Note: If you do not have an existing gpg signing key, use the following code:

gpg --gen-key

Accept all defaults, select "No expiry", and enter an appropriate passphrase.

In order to use apt-ftparchive, we will need to provide it with some defaults. Create the files "apt-ftparchive-deb.conf, "apt-ftparchive-udeb.conf", and "apt-ftparchive-extras.conf" as follows (substitude $BUILD for the absolute path to your BUILD directory, and /path/to/indices to the location of the indices files, which you can download from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/indices/ ):


Dir {

ArchiveDir "$BUILD";


TreeDefault {

Directory "pool/";


BinDirectory "pool/main" {

Packages "dists/breezy/main/binary-i386/Packages";

BinOverride "/path/to/indices/override.breezy.main";

ExtraOverride "path/to/indices/override.breezy.extra.main";


Default {

Packages {

Extensions ".deb";

Compress ". gzip";



Contents {

Compress "gzip";



Dir {

ArchiveDir "$BUILD";


TreeDefault {

Directory "pool/";


BinDirectory "pool/main" {

Packages "dists/breezy/main/debian-installer/binary-i386/Packages";

BinOverride "/path/to/indices/override.breezy.main.debian-installer";


Default {

Packages {

Extensions ".udeb";

Compress ". gzip";



Contents {

Compress "gzip";



Dir {

ArchiveDir "$BUILD";


TreeDefault {

Directory "pool/";


BinDirectory "pool/extras" {

Packages "dists/breezy/extras/binary-i386/Packages";


Default {

Packages {

Extensions ".deb";

Compress ". gzip";



Contents {

Compress "gzip";


. 现在就用apt-ftparchive来创建Packages和Release文件:


sudo apt-ftparchive -c $APTCONF generate /path/to/apt-ftparchive-deb.conf

sudo apt-ftparchive -c $APTCONF generate /path/to/apt-ftparchive-udeb.conf

sudo apt-ftparchive -c $APTCONF generate /path/to/apt-ftparchive-extras.conf

$APTCONF is a file somewhere that looks about like this:

APT::FTPArchive::Release::Origin "Ubuntu";

APT::FTPArchive::Release::Label "Ubuntu";

APT::FTPArchive::Release::Suite "breezy";

APT::FTPArchive::Release::Version "5.10";

APT::FTPArchive::Release::Codename "breezy";

APT::FTPArchive::Release::Architectures "i386";

APT::FTPArchive::Release::Components "main restricted extras";

APT::FTPArchive::Release::Description "Ubuntu Breezy";


sudo gpg --default-key "MY GPG KEY ID" --output $BUILD/dists/breezy/Release.gpg -ba $BUILD/dists/breezy/Release

*. Regenerate the md5 checksums:


find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5sum > md5sum.txt

. 现在可以来生成光盘镜像文件:

sudo mkisofs -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -J -hide-rr-moved -o $IMAGE -R $BUILD/


. 最后,可以用cdrecord或其它刻录工具来刻录您的CD了:

sudo nice -18 cdrecord dev=ATA:1,1,0 speed=12 --blank=fast -v -gracetime=2 -tao $IMAGE

that will burn the image on the second cd drive; if your cd-burner is the first or only cd-drive, change dev argument to ATA:1,0,0. I strongly recommend using rewritable media -- I've burned a LOT of coasters on this project.

好了,搞定! 如果谁感兴趣,我写了一个小脚本(很简单)来自动完成这个步骤。我想我正好可以放在这儿


# usage

# update-learningexchange.sh kubuntu|ubuntu|xubuntu

# a very primitive script with no structure of controls etc

# no default behaviour, etc etc

# all ofthis should be trivial to implement but my

# bash syntax sucks

# obvious thing to do would be to convert to python

# & add a simple gtk front end too

# but I'm rushed at the moment

# Notes;Bugs:

# REMEMBER: this absolutely will not work if you haven't built a new version of ubuntu-keyring

# package & included that in $STAGE/pool/extras/! You do that thusly:

# apt-get source ubuntu-keyring

# cd ubuntu-keyring-version-info/keyring

# gpg --import < ubuntu-server-keyring.gpg

# gpg --output=ubuntu-server-keyring.gpg --export "ubuntu" "Your Name"

# dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -m"My Name "

# cp ../ubuntu-keyring*deb $BUILD/pool/extras/


# this script relies on the existence of several files and directories:

# Original = $ORIG: location of the "clean", unmodified CD .iso

# CD mount point = $MOUNT: mount point of clean CD

# Staging area = $STAGE: where you keep all your files

# this area should include main dirs isolinux/, pool/, and dists/ at a minimum

# as written the script assumes you have a directory pool/extras with your

# extra debs, and that dists/breezy/extras/binary-i386/Release exists (copy it over

# from dists/breezy/main/binary-i386, and replace "main" with "extras")

# There is no doubt a better way to do this but it involves work...

# Building Area = $BUILD: location where your changes are merged into the "clean" directory \

# structure.

# Image location = $IMAGE: name of the new .iso file you want to build

# apt.conf file = $APTCONF: location of the file used to feed instructions to apt-ftparchive







# sync with latest image

sudo umount $MOUNT

sudo mount $ORIG $MOUNT -o loop

# sudo rsync -azvb --delete --exclude="language-pack*" --backup-dir=/yeowe/usr/cdbuilder/old/ $MOUNT $BUILD

sudo rsync -azvb --delete $MOUNT $BUILD

# now get rid of the old ubuntu-keyring package

sudo rm -r $BUILD/pool/u/ubuntu-keyring/

# note I've excluded a few files, shouldn't matter much for you I reckon

sudo rsync -avzb --exclude='*~' --exclude='INSTRUCTIONS.txt' --backup-dir=/yeowe/usr/cdbuilder/old/ --exclude='example-preseed.txt' $STAGE $BUILD

# generate Packages, Release, Release.gpg

# first thing to realize is, that we only need to generate the Packages files,

# the top-level Release file, and top-level Release.gpg.

# everything else should be in your $STAGE file structure or usable unchanged

# in the original form

# remove Release file otherwise you'll have trouble writing to it.

sudo rm $BUILD/dists/breezy/Release*

# ubuntu-keyring must be included in main/, so main NEEDS to be rebuilt!

for component in main extras; do

sudo apt-ftparchive packages "$BUILD/pool/$component/" > "$BUILD/dists/breezy/$component/binary-i386/Packages"

gzip -c "$BUILD/dists/breezy/$component/binary-i386/Packages" | \

sudo tee "$BUILD/dists/breezy/$component/binary-i386/Packages.gz" > /dev/null


sudo apt-ftparchive -c $APTCONF release $BUILD/dists/breezy > $BUILD/dists/breezy/Release

# gpg options: -ba = armored, detached-sig

sudo gpg --output $BUILD/dists/breezy/Release.gpg -ba $BUILD/dists/breezy/Release

# build the actual image. Note the options to mkisofs, which make the image bootable

sudo chown -R root:root $BUILD/isolinux $BUILD/preseed

sudo mkisofs -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -J -hide-rr-moved -o $IMAGE -R $BUILD/

# burn the image to 2nd cd drive on most setups

sudo nice -18 cdrecord dev=ATA:1,1,0 speed=12 --blank=fast -v -gracetime=2 -tao $IMAGE

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