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Fedora 9上安装VMware Server (Version 1.0.6)[图文]

http://www.oklinux.cn  2008-06-03  linuxidc   会员收藏  游客收藏  【 】 

VMware Server是VMware公司推出的免费的虚拟机软件,这篇教程以详细的图片展示了在Fedora 9这个最新的发行版上安装VMware Server 1.0.6的过程。甚至连下载过程都有。

虽然是英文教程,但是非常容易懂。Fedora 9的用户得看看喔!


How To Install VMware Server (Version 1.0.6) On A Fedora 9 Desktop
Version 1.0
Author: Falko Timme <ft [at] falkotimme [dot] com>
Last edited 06/02/2008

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to install VMware Server (version 1.0.6) on a Fedora 9 desktop system. With VMware Server you can create and run guest operating systems ("virtual machines") such as Linux, Windows, FreeBSD, etc. under a host operating system. This has the benefit that you can run multiple operating systems on the same hardware which saves a lot of money, and you can move virtual machines from one VMware Server to the next one (or to a system that has the VMware Player which is also free).

Also, with VMware Server you can let your old Windows desktop (that you previously converted into a VMware virtual machine with VMware Converter, as described in this tutorial: http://www.howtoforge.com/vmware_converter_windows_linux) run under your Fedora desktop. This can be useful if you depend on some applications that exist for Windows only, or if you want to switch to Linux slowly.

I want to say first that this is not the only way of setting up such a system. There are many ways of achieving this goal but this is the way I take. I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!

1 Preliminary Note

Prior to version 1.0.6, VMware Server needed to be patched in order to install/work properly on a Fedora 9 system because it did not support kernel 2.6.25 (see chapter 8.3.14 on http://www.howtoforge.com/the-perfect-desktop-fedora9-gnome-p7). Starting with version 1.0.6 (released on May 29, 2008), this isn't necessary anymore.

2 Installing Required Packages

Before we install VMware Server, we must install some prerequisites. To install them, open a terminal (Applications > System Tools > Terminal):

Become root:


Now we have to find out our kernel version by running:

uname -r

If you haven't updated the system, your kernel most likely is If this is the case, you can install the prerequisites like this:

yum install kernel-devel xinetd gcc gcc-c perl-devel perl-ExtUtils-Embed


If you've updated the system, chances are that your kernel is 2.6.25-14.fc9.i686; at the time of this writing there was no kernel-devel package for this kernel in the Fedora repositories, therefore we must install it manually:

First we remove any existing kernel-devel package:

yum remove kernel-devel

Then we download and install the correct kernel-devel package for kernel 2.6.25-14.fc9.i686 like this (you can search on http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3 to find the correct kernel-devel package for your kernel - interestingly I had to search for RedHat 9 packages instead of Fedora 9 to find the correct packages...):

wget ftp://ftp.uni-bayreuth.de/pub/redhat.com/Fedora/linux/releases/9/Everything/i386/os/Packages/kernel-devel-2.6.25-14.fc9.i686.rpm
rpm -ivh kernel-devel-2.6.25-14.fc9.i686.rpm

Finally we install the missing prerequisites:

yum install xinetd gcc gcc-c perl-devel perl-ExtUtils-Embed

3 VMware Server

With VMware Server you can let your old Windows desktop (that you previously converted into a VMware virtual machine with VMware Converter, as described in this tutorial: http://www.howtoforge.com/vmware_converter_windows_linux) run under your Fedora desktop. This can be useful if you depend on some applications that exist for Windows only, or if you want to switch to Linux slowly.

To download VMware Server, go to http://www.vmware.com/download/server/ and click on Download Now:

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