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SUSE Linux 10.1 发行说明

OKLinux www.oklinux.cn 2006-06-02 来源:oklinux收集整理 会员收藏 游客收藏

SUSE Linux 10.1 发行说明
Copyright © 2006 Novell, Inc.
这只是 SUSE Linux 10.1 发行说明的初始版本。最终的发行说明将在以后完成。
安装: 有关安装的其他相关信息。
New Registration Procedure and Functionality
The new registration procedure helps customers to manage their systems with Novell's infrastructure. Once registered, packages and patch sources suitable for the current system are automatically detected and made available to the package management system (zmd). Register as part of the installation procedure, using the YaST module, or with the suse_register command.
The registration procedure transfers zmd's unique device identifier to Novell's registration Web service. To determine the appropriate packages and package sources, information about the hardware architecture, operating system, and version is also sent. The current time zone is transmitted then used to select a source mirror site in your area.
To provide maximum flexibility, Novell's Web service asks for required parameters depending on the needs of the registration procedure. The following local commands may be run to determine the needed information:
PRIVACY: To allow for maximum customer privacy, the procedure can be configured to deny optionally requested parameters. It is still possible to register, but the experience may be less user-friendly because many human readable system parameters will not be displayed. If you do not register, the underlying system will continue to work. However, the registration service cannot provide the online update configuration unless registration is performed to pass mandatory information, including product, operating system type and version, and CPU type.
If you send only the mandatory information, your system is configured for getting online updates from an appropriate source. If you have a purchased version of SUSE Linux, you can send optional information to register for your installation support. Sending the optional information for SUSE Linux Enterprise products gives access to a wide range of additional features. See the Novell Web site for details.
Applying Patches to SUSE Linux
Read more about applying patches to SUSE Linux in the PDF online-documentation on the first installation medium (docu/en/applying_patches.pdf).
AppArmor's Default Profiles
This release of SUSE Linux Server ships with Novell AppArmor, which can protect your applications from software exploits. AppArmor protection can be enabled via the AppArmor control panel, which is located in YaST under Novell AppArmor.
The AppArmor profiles included with SUSE Linux have been developed in conjunction with our best efforts to reproduce how most users will use their software. The profiles we have provided will work unmodified for many users—however, some users will find our profiles too restrictive for their environments.
If you discover that some of your applications do not function as you expected, you may need to use the AppArmor Update Profile Wizard in YaST (or use the aa-logprof command line utility) to update your AppArmor profiles. You may place all your profiles into learning mode with the following:
aa-complain /etc/apparmor.d/*
When a program generates many complaints, the system's performance will be degraded; to mitigate this, we recommend periodically running the Update Profile Wizard (or aa-logprof) to update your profiles even if you choose to leave them in learning mode. This will reduce the number of learning events logged to disk which will improve the performance of the system.
带有仅二进制软件的附加 CD-ROM
SUSE Linux 随包含仅二进制软件的 CD-ROM (CD6) 提供。例如,在此 CD-ROM 中可找到 WLAN 卡的固件(如 Intel Centrino)和备用 Java 引擎。
在开始安装或更新时,通过激活 YaST 安装类型对话框中的"包括个别媒体中的附加产品"选项,来包含附加媒体。
支持 Pango 的 Firefox
在某些计算机上,启用了 Pango 支持的 Firefox 会运行得很慢。其性能似乎取决于 X 服务器。如果仍要打开为环境显示的字体,请设置MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO=0:
已翻译手册的说明(es、fr、it、ja、zh_CN 和 zh_TW)
The English, German, and Czech manuals are the mandatory reference if the contents of a language version differs from the English text due to late software changes. Here is the list of noteworthy differences in the Start-Up manual:
Chapter 1, "Installation with YaST": The installation workflow is more detailed now: New section about "Selecting the Source of the Installation Data". The "Time Zone" gets set up between "System Analysis" and "Desktop Selection". There are now steps for "Cleanup" and "Completing Installation" with the possibility to "Clone this System for AutoYaST."
Chapter 2, "System Configuration with YaST": Enhancements and adjustments to "Installing and Removing Software", "Installing Add-On Products", "Automatic Online Update", "Registering", "Infrared Device" (IrDa), "Network Services" (Kerberos), and "Update from the Command Line" (rug User Management).
Instead of the Web Updater, use the Online Update YaST module. In "Network Services", NIS and NFS are split to client and server parts. "Start-Up Log" and "System Log" are separate sections now.
The "Saving the Package Selection" feature is not supported at the moment. The "Adding CD and DVD into System" (fstab) module was withdrawn.
要应用安全更新和安装附加软件包,请使用ZENworks 更新程序 applet(用于 KDE 和 GNOME)代替 SUSEwatcher。ZENworks 更新程序有助于监视可用的增补程序。YaST 控制中心的在线更新程序是更新软件的备选方法。
对于自动更新,请使用 rug,他取代了 cron 表中的 YaST 在线更新 (YOU)。
有关这些功能的更多信息,请参见 SUSE Linux 启动手册。
Preparing for Remote Update
Before starting a remote update (for example, with VNC), make sure that the firewall of your system is configured accordingly. Use YaST to open the ports that are required to access your system remotely. Start the YaST Control Center. Then click "Network Services" -> "Remote Administration" and select "Allow Remote Administration". If necessary, activate "Open Port in Firewall".
Read the YaST help text for more information.
Configuring the FTP Server (vsftpd)
Starting with SUSE Linux 10.1, the vsftpd FTP server can be configured to run independently or using the xinetd superdaemon. The default is now for independent use—in previous versions, the default was to use xinetd. To run it with xinetd, enable the service in the xinetd configuration file (/etc/xinetd.d/vsftpd) and set the following option line in /etc/vsftpd.conf:
更新到 MySQL 5.0
SUSE Linux 随 MySQL 5.0 一起提供。和每个主版本更新一样,强烈建议备份 MySQL 表文件并预先创建 SQL 转储。更新后,/etc/init.d/mysql 自动执行 mysql_fix_privilege_tables。有关更多信息和详细说明,请参见 http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/upgrade.html。
有关 DVD 和 CD-ROM 媒体的内容
SUSE Linux 可从 DVD 或一组 CD-ROM 媒体安装。但是,并非所有包都配有 CD-ROM 。只包括用户最常安装的那些包。可在以下位置找到区别的概述:http://www.novell.com/products/linuxpackages/professional/diff_cd_dvd.html。
如果系统没有 DVD 驱动器,而您需要特定包,请将 DVD 放入与您所在网络相连的另一台机器并远程装入它来完成安装,或使用 YaST 选择公共 FTP 服务器作为安装源。
Using the Hardware Compatibility List
If you encounter nonfunctional hardware, check the Hardware Compatibility List at http://en.opensuse.org/HCL. The list also offers tips on how to get certain hardware working, including information about third-party drivers for hardware, such as video cards.
Detecting Laptops Properly
Because some laptops cannot be detected properly, the "Laptop Selection" will not be enabled automaticaly. To add the "Laptop Selection", start the YaST software package management and select the "Laptop Selection" manually. If NetworkManager is not setup by default on your laptop, configure it manually during the network configuration.
没有 X Forwarding 的sudo
出于安全考虑,sudo 不再执行 X forwarding。如果要启动需要 root 许可权限的X 程序(如 YaST),请首先使用 su 成为 root 或通过 ssh 按如下方法调用它:
ssh -X -l root localhost yast2
ATI Radeon 支持: radeon 与 radeonold 驱动程序
使用 X.Org 6.9 可包括最新的 radeon 驱动程序,他支持 nonrectangular MergedFB、RN50/ES1000 芯片、VIVO 和 BIOS 热键等功能。客户对此已焦急等待了相当一段时间。因为其中一些功能涉及驱动程序的很底层部分,并且客户在芯片集修订方面遇到过问题,因此我们也提供了在 SUSE Linux 10.0 上已可用的 radeon 驱动程序版本作为备用 - 功能少一些,例如不支持 DRI("3D")。旧的驱动程序称为"radeonold"。此旧的驱动程序不受支持,因为它不再会继续开发。
如果使用radeon 驱动程序时遇到问题,请切换到"radeonold"驱动程序,可使用 SaX2 进行配置。在控制台提示处,输入 sax2 -m 0=radeonold 进行配置。
X Configuration: Dual Head Support with i830 Chipsets
With some older i830 chipsets, dual head support for the X Window System is not available. Deactivate the dual head setting in the YaST hardware configuration dialog when installing SUSE Linux or manually run SaX2 (sax2) after installing SUSE Linux to deactivate dual head.
JogDial Support on Sony Laptops
Because the sonypi kernel module does not work on recent Sony laptops, automatic loading of this module has been disabled. If you know that this kernel module does not cause trouble on your laptop, add sonypi to MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT in /etc/sysconfig/kernel.
AVM Fritz!Card DSL
用于无线 LAN 卡的各种驱动程序。用于 Atheros WLAN 卡的 madwifi 驱动程序已去除。
出于技术原因,必须放弃对 Ralink WLAN 卡的支持。旧的驱动程序不再与内核版本 2.6.16 一起运行,而且新版本尚不够稳定。计划在新版本足够稳定后立即发行更新。
Find additional drivers in the kmp packages. For background information, see http://en.opensuse.org/Kernel_Module_Packages.
禁用 Powersave 守护程序
在某些机器上,当机器空闲或 powersaved 启动时,cpu 频率调节会导致挂起。在此情况下,请在安装时使用 POWERSAVE=off 作为引导参数,来禁用 powersave 守护程序。
当在安装的初始 CD 引导期间未提供此参数时,必须稍后使用 chkconfig powersaved off 禁用 powersaved。
本地和 IO APIC(用于 32 位 x86 结构)已更改。本地和 IO APIC(I/O 高级可编程中断控制器)是支持 SMP 的产品,可代替 PC 样式的中断控制器。SMP 系统和所有最新单处理器系统都有这样的控制器。
在此之前,本地和 IO APIC 在单处理器系统上是默认禁用的,并且必须使用"apic"内核参数手动激活。现在,它是默认运行的并可手动禁用。对于 64 位系统,APIC 始终是默认启用的。
除非 BIOS 或用户禁用本地和 IO APIC ,否则 BIOS 版本高于 2001 的任何系统默认激活本地和 IO APIC。
任何 Inter BIOS 高于 1998 的系统默认激活本地和 IO APIC。
任何具有一个以上 CPU 的系统默认激活本地和 IO APIC。
要禁用本地 APIC,请使用 nolapic(这会隐含禁用 IO APIC)。
要禁用 IO APIC,请使用 noapic。
要获得和较早版本相同的默认值,请使用 nolapic。
ulimit 设置
ulimit 设置可在 /etc/sysconfig/ulimit 中配置。默认情况下,只更改内核默认值的两个限制:
SOFTVIRTUALLIMIT=80 限制为一个处理器,因此不分配多于 80% 的可用虚拟内存(RAM 和 swap)。
SOFTRESIDENTLIMIT=85 限制为一个处理器,因此不占用多于 85% 的物理内存 (RAM)。
用户可使用 ulimit 命令覆盖这些软限制。而硬限制只能由根用户覆盖。
要根据用户配置不同的限制,请使用 pam_limits 功能并配置 /etc/security/limits.conf。不需要 ulimit 包,但两个机制可同时使用。limits.conf 中配置的限制覆盖 ulimit 包中的全局默认值。
解除 CD 和 DVD 驱动器锁定并弹出媒体
On SUSE Linux 10.1 a new mounting mechanism replaces the submount system used earlier. This new mechanism does not unmount media automatically, but on hardware request. Some devices, most notably older CD drives but also some new drives with broken firmware, do not send this signal. To eject the media on such devices, select Eject in the context menu (opened by right-clicking) of the device in "My Computer" or select Eject in the context menu of the device icon on the desktop.
上一篇:suse 默认的iptables   下一篇:网络测试基础:Traceroute使用详解

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